Why I'm a life coach....
Thoughts on why I became a life coach....
Who are you?
Have you ever really considered who is running your life?
Could your life be controlled by bacteria or even your subconscious mind?
Did you know that there are more cells of bacteria in your body than there are of your own cells? Is the bacteria living inside of you or are you living inside the bacteria’s house?
Or, were you aware that our conscious minds can process only around 40 bits of information per second and our unconscious handles 40 million?! This means that 95-99% of your life is controlled by your unconscious.
These are the types of things that experts from Buddhist monks to Sigmund Freud have been saying for centuries. Finally, science is catching up to show how our brain waves, our gut bacteria and our unconscious all affect us. If we never take the time to investigate these things we won’t get what we want out of life.
Wouldn’t it be nice to understand how all of these areas add up to the outcomes we see on a daily basis?
Now that you suitably confused about who you are, I can tell you about who I am and how I could be of use to you. My role could be as the mechanic to the vehicle of your life or as a self-experimenter making the mistakes on himself so you don’t have to, or the guide walking you through the wilderness clearing a path, a couple steps ahead of you.
A Life Mechanic
I was once described as being “polished” by Dr Andrew Hill, a neuroscience professor at UCLA. He meant that I looked shiny on the outside but was still figuring out within.
Having worked with Dr Hill for over a year on my brain wave patterns at The Peak Brain Institute in LA, I delved further into the world of biohacking, nootropics and neurotherapy. I learnt about neurofeedback and how our brain waves affect things like moods, performance and stress.
Everything I have learnt about neuroscience, nutrition, psychology and spirituality have given me a more rounded understanding of people. By bringing these separate aspects of the self together I can see a bigger picture.
Working with me would be like working with a mechanic on a car that keeps veering off to the left. You don’t know why the car keeps steering off that way, you just know that you are trying to drive straight. We will take a look under the bonnet of your life to discover, together, what is preventing you from heading in the direction you want to go.
The main difference being that I don’t do that sharp inhale that a mechanic does when they’re about to rip you off. We work together and I am transparent with fees!
Where The Magic Happens
Somebody once drew me this diagram and it has stuck with me ever since. Before seeing this, I was someone who wanted safety and stability. After I had realized how much sense the diagram made I devoted my life to finding places where the magic happened. Many years of stepping out of my comfort zone have given me the experience needed to guide others to identify their own magic.
If you’re looking for a coach who was born with the perfect life and just naturally had it all together then I wish you the best of luck finding them. I am someone who has had a lot of challenges that I have overcome and continue to work on. I have been able to do this by exploring ancient wisdom, my own spirituality and the latest scientific information. My journey has taken me around the world, from LA, to India, to Cambodia and beyond to find the best practices to bring back to London and help you here.
As a devoted self-experimenter I will continue to tread carefully through the jungle of discomfort a few steps ahead of you, clearing a safe path for others to follow.