
Breathing Jajo
  • Heal the nervous system

  • Experts are starting to agree that trauma is not stored in the mind. Hence why people can spend years talking in psychotherapy and not have their problems change.

    • The trauma is actually stored in the nervous system. Breathwork allows us to access the nervous system and the subconscious mind to elicit a deeper level of healing.

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Conscious Connected Breathwork -

It is a self-healing modality that allows you to bring more oxygen into the body. It is like putting the body into an auto-pilot/reset mode.

It works on 3 levels:

  1. The physical body - by bringing more oxygen in there is more energy for our cells.

  2. The emotions - it allows past emotions that have been stored away to be processed and cleared.

  3. The spiritual - Anything from a sense of peace and well-being to full-blown mystical experiences.

Patagonia meditation

Hear what Mike has to say about 1-1 breathwork.

Breath Workshop Testimonial from Luke Appleby